Our writing tools emphasize mechanics, coherence, and organization and are perfectly aligned with the new STAAR redesign requirements.
STAAR practice exams and TEKS-based writing lessons are available within the system.
Our social learning system, the Hive, has been positively vetted in several case studies, with 78% of students surveyed stating that essaypop improved their attitude towards writing.
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Essaypop’s proprietary frame writing method allows students to approach academic writing one critical element at a time. This step-by-step approach makes essay-writing comprehensible for students and easier to teach for teachers. It’s essentially the cure for writer’s block. Allow us to help you build and integrate STAAR-specific customized writing templates, rubrics, and terminology so that teachers and students are speaking the same language across grade levels and subject areas.
The platform’s interactive Hive environment allows teachers and students to collaborate and interact as they write, creating a social component that engages students in a way that is fun yet substantive. Let us help you set up a student-to-student mentoring program that connects kids across classrooms, grade levels, and schools.
Essaypop's comprehensive lesson library provides teachers with multiple genres of writing lessons, including expository, persuasive, narrative, or literary analysis. Our library is accessible via the cloud, providing teachers access anytime, anywhere."
The essaypop assessment tool cuts teacher grading time in half, giving them more time to teach, while the assessment tracking provides the teacher, the school, and the district with actionable data for lesson modifications and concepts for professional development. All data is immediately avaialble and presented in a variety of useful reports at the student, class, site or district level.
Our expert team of educators will work with your site/district to provide customized professional learning experiences to administrators and teachers to align with your goals and initiatives and to provide data-driven instructional strategies. We will continue to be available to your team as partners, invested in your success, via ongoing support channels.
Essaypop prepares students for the short-constructed and long-form writing prompts found on the STAAR. 75% of the questions on the exam are in this format, giving students who have used essaypop a distinct advantage for those extended responses.
Essaypop Answers the Call
for the TEKS Highest Standards
According to the TEA, Students will write in one of three possible modes on the exam: informational, argumentative, or correspondence, and these responses will be scored using a 5-point rubric that emphasizes mechanics, coherence, and organization.
Essaypop prepares students to master these tasks.